Madeira : activités uniques

Madeira : activités uniques

Réservez des activités inoubliables sur Airbnb animées par des habitants.

Activités les mieux notées

Porto Moniz et Fanal, piscines volcaniques, aventure mémorable
La région du nord-ouest de Madère est comme un coffre au trésor caché qui attend d'être découvert ! Imaginez-vous nager dans ces piscines volcaniques, sentant l'eau fraîche contre votre peau tout en étant entourée d'anciennes formations rocheuses. Et puis, embarquant dans cette aventure hors des sentiers battus dans une Jeep 4x4 sauvage, en parcourant des terrains accidentés pour trouver des trésors cachés comme la forêt mystique de Fanal. Imaginez-vous debout sur le vaste plateau de Paul da Serra, en admirant les vues panoramiques à couper le souffle qui s'étendent à perte de vue. Et n'oubliez pas le village côtier de Ribeira da Janela, niché entre des falaises imposantes, offrant une retraite paisible où vous pourrez vous connecter avec la nature ou simplement vous détendre sur la plage idyllique. En vous rendant plus loin à Porto Moniz, imaginez-vous plonger dans ces piscines naturelles, sculptées par des forces volcaniques, tout en admirant la vaste étendue de l'océan Atlantique. Et enfin, Seixal vous accueille avec sa plage de sable noir, entourée de verdure luxuriante et de falaises spectaculaires, offrant la toile de fond parfaite pour une promenade sereine le long du rivage. Avec tant de sites et d'expériences incroyables qui vous attendent dans la région du nord-ouest de Madère, il est temps de vous attacher, de monter dans cette Jeep 4x4 ouverte et de vous lancer dans une aventure vraiment inoubliable remplie de beauté, de tranquillité et d'une touche de magie !
Skywalk et piscines volcaniques de Porto Moniz
De Funchal, nous allons à São Vicente sur la côte nord, un endroit réputé pour ses vignobles et ses grottes volcaniques. Ensuite, nous visitons une des cascades les plus célèbres qui ressemble au voile d'une mariée. Sur le chemin de Porto Moniz, nous passerons par Seixal pour profiter d'une belle vue sur la plage de sable volcanique noir. Ensuite , nous allons dans un endroit caché d'une beauté indéniable appelé Poças das Lesmas . Ensuite , nous nous arrêtons dans les piscines volcaniques naturelles de Porto Moniz, où vous pourrez nager dans des eaux cristallines pendant 1 heure et profiter du magnifique paysage autour de cet endroit incroyable (3 € p/p non inclus ) . Plus tard , en vous rendant à Fanal, vous ferez l'expérience d'un toit ouvert 4x4 tout-terrain exceptionnel pour profiter de la faune et la flore endémique et l'introduction. Puis à Fanal, un lieu magique d'une beauté rare avec des arbres centenaires au cœur de la forêt de Laurissilva (la plus grande du monde) , qui est l'une des 7e merveilles naturelles du Portugal . En continuant jusqu'à Paúl da Serra, le plus grand plateau de l'île à près de 1500 mètres de haut avec une vue imprenable, vous aurez une pause déjeuner dans un restaurant typique de Madère (non inclus). Enfin, nous conduisons jusqu'à Cabo Girão, l'une des plus hautes falaises du monde avec 580 mètres, connue par son point de vue sur le sol en verre suspendu qui offre une vue panoramique spectaculaire sur l'océan Atlantique, Câmara de Lobos et Funchal ( 2 € par p non inclus ).
À la découverte d'une fajã pleine d'histoire
A experiência começa com uma incrível viagem de teleférico de última geração com a duração de cerca de 3 minutos, que nos transporta desde a Quinta Grande até à Fajã dos Padres, vencendo um desnível de mais de 300 metros da enorme arriba que limita a Fajã a norte. Durante cerca de uma hora, conheceremos então a Fajã dos Padres, percorredo caminhos antigos abertos ao longo dos pomares de árvores de fruta subtropical, muitas vezes cobertos por parreiras de vinha Malvasia, a casta mais nobre do afamado vinho Madeira. Durante o passeio, os visitantes ficarão a conhecer a história da Fajã dos Padres e simultaneamente parte da história da ilha da Madeira, o processo de cultivo biológico de um sem número de plantas subtropicais, algumas bastante exóticas. A história da vinha e do vinho da Madeira, e as razões para se ter promovido a sua cultura ao longo dos séculos neste local tão remoto, mas tão fértil geram sempre um interesse particular entre os visitantes. Terminamos com uma prova de fruta subtropical biológica produzida localmente. Consoante a época do ano, teremos oportunidade de provar banana, maracujá, manga, papaia, pera-abacate, pitanga, e outras curiosidades ocasionais. Outras observações O programa poderá ser reagendado ou cancelado dependendo das condições meteorológicas ou por dificuldade de acesso à Fajã dos Padres.
Un lever de soleil à Madère
* The activity is going to start during the night where we are going to collect all the guests from all their accommodations (If you are in Funchal, Caniço, Santa Cruz, Machico, Porto da Cruz and Santana surroundings) or meeting point for all the rest in Viveiros Galp Gas Station (In Estrada Doutor João Abel de Freitas 82). * The drive will take around 1 hour and 20 minutes to the place * We will have to walk up mountain for 2,5 kilometers but not so steep, more like a slow walk, from which we observe the stars and "milky way" * On the top of the highest mountain we wait for the sunrise * After all the pictures and videos are taken we start the descend to the car * Drive back to guest's accommodations Other things to note Depending on the weather forecasts we might have to change the place or in extreme cases we repeat the experience in the following day, if available tour/seats.
Promenez-vous avec un habitant
In this experience i'm suggesting some of the most beautiful walking trails in Madeira Island. All the tours are scheduled in the less busiest day in each area to provide you a calm and relaxing experiences out of the crowds. The schedule for the week will be the following: Monday: 25 Fountains and Risco levadas and waterfalls - Distance: 11km / Difficulty Level (1-5): 3 Tuesday: Larano coastal & forest trail - Distance: 11km / Difficulty Level (1-5): 4 Wednesday: Caldeirão Verde Levada - Distance: 13km / Difficulty Level (1-5): 2 Thursday: Fanal Ancient Forest - Distance 12km / Difficulty Level (1-5): 3 Friday: Levada do Rei - Distance 10km / Difficulty Level (1-5): 1 Saturday: Ponta São Lourenço - Distance 7km / Difficulty Level (1-5): 2 You can search for these names to have a look at the sceneries before booking. If you're unsure if it's the best trail for you, please contact before booking. Your walking tour program will start with the pick up at your hotel or apartment starting from 8.30am, we'll talk about some relevant information about Madeira during the car trip to the start point, have an unforgettable experience by walking in the most magical places of Madeira, then i'll drop you off again at the hotel. Other thing to note: This is a shared tour with other Airbnb guests

Madeira : toutes les activités à proximité

Randonnée autoguidée matinale à Pico Arieiro et Pico Ruivo
We provide a different perspective on hiking: at your own pace. With pick up and drop at your accommodation*, enjoy a Self Guided hike and visit the most famous walk in Madeira: Pico do Arieiro to Pico Ruivo, for the sunrise or a later morning schedules. This hike is located between the highest mountains in Madeira (up to 1862 m) and incorporates the most incredible landscapes and scenaries. Program: The guests are picked up at their accommodation to join a shared transfer (up to 8 guests per van), in direction to the 2nd highest mountain - Pico do Arieiro (beggining). The hosts provide hike instructions and map explanation, with schedules. You will have 5 hours to go from Pico do Arieiro to Pico Ruivo and then Achada do Teixeira (10 km). The pick up after the hike is at Achada do Teixeira (parking lot). Hike Information: - Duration: 5 hours - Extension: 10 km - Starting Point: Pico do Arieiro (1818 m) - Ending Point: Achada do Teixeira (1600 m) - Max Elevation: 1862 m (Pico Ruivo) - Min Elevation: 1548 m Transfer Information: - Capacity: 8 people - From the city to Pico do Arieiro: average 1.5 hour - From Achada do Teixeira to the city: average 1.5 hour - *Pick up/Drop off limits: Funchal and Caniço areas Weather conditions are very unpredictable in this part of the island. Your reservation can be canceled or postponed.
Croisière Luxe pour voir les Dauphins
Nous offrons un voyage de 3h All Inclusive sur un Catamaran rapide pour l'observation des dauphins et des baleines. Nous rencontrons des dauphins ou baleines dans 98% des cas. Nous opérons plus qu'une attraction touristique ! Notre équipe de biologistes marins est associée à plusieurs programmes de recherche scientifique sur les cétacés. Durant nos croisières ils surveillent et reportent les comportements, interactions, observations et position de chaque espèce avec pour objectif le bien être et la protection des cétacés. Un verre de vin pétillant Portugais vous sera offert dès votre arrivé, puis vous profiterez d'un open bar avec cocktails, vins locaux, bières, jus de fruits, sodas, café, ainsi que des petits apéritifs et des biscuits de Madère. Le départ se fait depuis la Marina de Funchal à la recherche des cétacés se trouvant dans la baie. Nous irons ensuite au pied de Cabo Girão, la seconde plus grande falaise sur mer d'Europe haute de 586m, où nous ferons un arrêt de 20 minutes afin de nager ou simplement admirer la vue. Le retour se fait en longeant la magnifique côte en direction de la Marina Autres remarques Si la météo est mauvaise pour le voyage, nous vous contacterons pour reprogrammer ou vous rembourser intégralement.
Expériences culinaires incroyables avec vue sur l'océan
A nossa experiencia irá criar momentos únicos e inesquecíveis aos nosso hóspedes. O objetivo consiste em dar a provar um menu de 3 pratos com bebidas, onde os produtos da nossa ilha e da nossa plantação vão estar em destaque. Uma vez que apelamos ao uso de "produtos da época" o nosso menu irá variar de acordo com a mesma, mantendo sempre a espetada à Madeirense como protagonista. (Existem opções vegetarianas) Á chegada os nossos hóspedes serão recebidos com uma "Welcome drink". O segundo momento irá ser uma visita ao nosso espaço e á nossa produção agrícola, onde iremos observar alguns produtos que vão estar presente no nosso menu. Seguidamente damos inicio á confeção do nosso menu, onde queremos que os nossos hóspedes sejam uma parte integrante da mesma, de forma a dar a conhecer todo o processo e criar laços. Passada a fase de degustação a nossa experiência termina com um digestivo de fabrico próprio , típico da Ilha da Madeira. **Poderá existir cancelamentos devido às condições climatéricas** **Não é uma aula de culinária**
Découvrez l'île magique de Madère
Welcome to this experience .Thank you for reading and checking my experience . I am a crazy Nature lover that 2 years ago just stoped working in hotels to discover Madeira . I am recomended by Lonely Planet as a local guide to spend a day with,and believe me it was a random meeting in a bar/restaurant with them and then after a few drinks it was like 3 friends talking about Nature. I have a real enormus love for Nature and i adore going to Nature and explore the forest and the coast away from crowds.. The most amazing crazy thing that you can do with me it is hiking to the highest mountain in Madeira and watch the sunset and spend the night in a shelter and then watch the sunrise,it’s amazing. With me I will take you to incredible lagoons an to beautiful cliffs. Just send me a message and we will talk. There is so many things that I adore to do in the Nature,for example I adore doing the famous peak to peak hike and just stay in a shelter at night time to be able to see a sunset millions of stars and a sunrise. And I love to do a amazing hike to a “lost abandoned village “ and stay for the sunset enjoying a out of this world night drinking a bottle of wine and staying in a century year old shelter watching the biggest waves in the island with no one near. Also I would like to say that I can do 16 pax on a tour if it’s a group of people that are together to explore Madeira
Observation des dauphins et des baleines en catamaran écologique
Cruise along the coast of the island of Madeira to Cabo Girão, one of Europe's tallest sea cliffs on this 3 hr tour on a Eco Friendly Catamaran. We will sail out a few miles from Funchal Bay searching for wildlife such as dolphins, whales and turtles. It's a once in a lifetime experience seeing these wonderful creatures in their natural habitat. You can enjoy watching the sea life without big crowds in front of you as we take less passengers for a better experience. Wildlife observation is not guaranteed on this activity. This trip includes a stop at Cabo Girão, one of the highest sea cliffs in the world. In summer months you can dive into crystal clear waters whilst taking in the beautiful scenery around you. We will cruise back to the marina along the coast so you can enjoy the spectacular views of Madeira from the ocean. Our certified guides will give you plenty of information about the species you have seen and the interesting places along the coast. Please arrive to our kiosk 30min before departure time to check in and get your boarding pass. Our kiosk is next to the dock gate where you will see our Catamaran Magic Dolphin Eco. In respect to all of our guests the boat leaves on time and there is no compensation for guests that do not arrive on time.
Porto Moniz et Fanal, piscines volcaniques, aventure mémorable
La région du nord-ouest de Madère est comme un coffre au trésor caché qui attend d'être découvert ! Imaginez-vous nager dans ces piscines volcaniques, sentant l'eau fraîche contre votre peau tout en étant entourée d'anciennes formations rocheuses. Et puis, embarquant dans cette aventure hors des sentiers battus dans une Jeep 4x4 sauvage, en parcourant des terrains accidentés pour trouver des trésors cachés comme la forêt mystique de Fanal. Imaginez-vous debout sur le vaste plateau de Paul da Serra, en admirant les vues panoramiques à couper le souffle qui s'étendent à perte de vue. Et n'oubliez pas le village côtier de Ribeira da Janela, niché entre des falaises imposantes, offrant une retraite paisible où vous pourrez vous connecter avec la nature ou simplement vous détendre sur la plage idyllique. En vous rendant plus loin à Porto Moniz, imaginez-vous plonger dans ces piscines naturelles, sculptées par des forces volcaniques, tout en admirant la vaste étendue de l'océan Atlantique. Et enfin, Seixal vous accueille avec sa plage de sable noir, entourée de verdure luxuriante et de falaises spectaculaires, offrant la toile de fond parfaite pour une promenade sereine le long du rivage. Avec tant de sites et d'expériences incroyables qui vous attendent dans la région du nord-ouest de Madère, il est temps de vous attacher, de monter dans cette Jeep 4x4 ouverte et de vous lancer dans une aventure vraiment inoubliable remplie de beauté, de tranquillité et d'une touche de magie !
Promenade vers les cieux au lever du soleil
Brace yourself for an experience like no other - witness the legendary sunrise of Madeira from the summit of Pico Areeiro (1818m) in the majestic mountains. Your journey begins with a pickup at the iconic Cristiano Ronaldo Museum, an hour before the sun begins to rise, followed by a 35-40 minute transfer to Pico Areeiro. As you arrive, we'll provide a short briefing and equip you with a torch to light up the first few minutes of your trek. The adventure kicks off as we embark on the trail connecting the highest peaks of the island, commencing a thrilling night walk. En route to the sunrise spot, we'll take you to the incredible Ninho da Manta viewpoint and the famed Stairways to Heaven ridge, offering stunning panoramas of the rugged terrain. As the sun starts to crest the horizon and picture-perfect moments are captured, we'll retrace our steps, savouring the enchanting scenery with the golden hour casting a magical glow on the mountains. This experience entails a 40-60 minute walk, and the total duration from pickup to drop-off is approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes. The trek features stairs along the way, night walking, and possible vertigo, providing a challenge for the intrepid traveller. We operate in a vulnerable environment, where weather conditions can change abruptly. Should we be unable to proceed safely, we'll offer a new date or alternative tour as compensation.
Skywalk et piscines volcaniques de Porto Moniz
De Funchal, nous allons à São Vicente sur la côte nord, un endroit réputé pour ses vignobles et ses grottes volcaniques. Ensuite, nous visitons une des cascades les plus célèbres qui ressemble au voile d'une mariée. Sur le chemin de Porto Moniz, nous passerons par Seixal pour profiter d'une belle vue sur la plage de sable volcanique noir. Ensuite , nous allons dans un endroit caché d'une beauté indéniable appelé Poças das Lesmas . Ensuite , nous nous arrêtons dans les piscines volcaniques naturelles de Porto Moniz, où vous pourrez nager dans des eaux cristallines pendant 1 heure et profiter du magnifique paysage autour de cet endroit incroyable (3 € p/p non inclus ) . Plus tard , en vous rendant à Fanal, vous ferez l'expérience d'un toit ouvert 4x4 tout-terrain exceptionnel pour profiter de la faune et la flore endémique et l'introduction. Puis à Fanal, un lieu magique d'une beauté rare avec des arbres centenaires au cœur de la forêt de Laurissilva (la plus grande du monde) , qui est l'une des 7e merveilles naturelles du Portugal . En continuant jusqu'à Paúl da Serra, le plus grand plateau de l'île à près de 1500 mètres de haut avec une vue imprenable, vous aurez une pause déjeuner dans un restaurant typique de Madère (non inclus). Enfin, nous conduisons jusqu'à Cabo Girão, l'une des plus hautes falaises du monde avec 580 mètres, connue par son point de vue sur le sol en verre suspendu qui offre une vue panoramique spectaculaire sur l'océan Atlantique, Câmara de Lobos et Funchal ( 2 € par p non inclus ).
Observation des dauphins et des baleines
Cruise along the coast of the island of Madeira to Cabo Girão, one of Europe's tallest sea cliffs on this 3 hr tour on our sailing Catamaran, Magic Dolphin Celebrity Search for whales and dolphins as you relax and take in the stunning views from the comfort of our nets and seating areas. Numbers are limited to 25 max people per cruise with seating and spectacular views for all of our guests. Other things to note: Please arrive to our kiosk 20min before departure time to check in and get your boarding pass. Our kiosk is next to the dock gate where you will see our Catamaran Magic Dolphin. In respect to all of our guests the boat leaves on time and there is no compensation for guests that do not arrive on time.
À la découverte d'une fajã pleine d'histoire
A experiência começa com uma incrível viagem de teleférico de última geração com a duração de cerca de 3 minutos, que nos transporta desde a Quinta Grande até à Fajã dos Padres, vencendo um desnível de mais de 300 metros da enorme arriba que limita a Fajã a norte. Durante cerca de uma hora, conheceremos então a Fajã dos Padres, percorredo caminhos antigos abertos ao longo dos pomares de árvores de fruta subtropical, muitas vezes cobertos por parreiras de vinha Malvasia, a casta mais nobre do afamado vinho Madeira. Durante o passeio, os visitantes ficarão a conhecer a história da Fajã dos Padres e simultaneamente parte da história da ilha da Madeira, o processo de cultivo biológico de um sem número de plantas subtropicais, algumas bastante exóticas. A história da vinha e do vinho da Madeira, e as razões para se ter promovido a sua cultura ao longo dos séculos neste local tão remoto, mas tão fértil geram sempre um interesse particular entre os visitantes. Terminamos com uma prova de fruta subtropical biológica produzida localmente. Consoante a época do ano, teremos oportunidade de provar banana, maracujá, manga, papaia, pera-abacate, pitanga, e outras curiosidades ocasionais. Outras observações O programa poderá ser reagendado ou cancelado dependendo das condições meteorológicas ou por dificuldade de acesso à Fajã dos Padres.
Un lever de soleil à Madère
* The activity is going to start during the night where we are going to collect all the guests from all their accommodations (If you are in Funchal, Caniço, Santa Cruz, Machico, Porto da Cruz and Santana surroundings) or meeting point for all the rest in Viveiros Galp Gas Station (In Estrada Doutor João Abel de Freitas 82). * The drive will take around 1 hour and 20 minutes to the place * We will have to walk up mountain for 2,5 kilometers but not so steep, more like a slow walk, from which we observe the stars and "milky way" * On the top of the highest mountain we wait for the sunrise * After all the pictures and videos are taken we start the descend to the car * Drive back to guest's accommodations Other things to note Depending on the weather forecasts we might have to change the place or in extreme cases we repeat the experience in the following day, if available tour/seats.
Sunrise in Areeiro Peak
(EN) There is no better way of starting the day than to experience the unique sunrise in Madeira… very invigorating! An event of this nature​,​ only Pico do Areeiro can provide at it’s best. We start climbing up to Areeiro, the 3rd highest peak of Madeira with 1818m of altitude. After the sunrise we go down in remote routs, in wich we can apreciate Santo da Serra and Santa Cruz at its best. Early morning: Start at 5:30h–6:00h and arrival at 10:00h–11:00h (this time can be changed according to the client) Pick-Up's free in Santana​,​ Machico​,​ Santa Cruz and Funchal 15€p​/​p elsewhere (PT) Não há melhor maneira de começar o dia do que com o espectáculo único do nascer do sol…absorva as boas energias que o sol projecta. Evento único que só o Pico do Areeiro consegue fornecer. Começamos a subir para o Areeiro, o 3º pico mais alto da Madeira, com 1818m de altitude. Depois do sol nascer, descemos em direcçao ao mar via Santo da Serra e Santa Cruz, por estradas remotas e com vistas espectaculares Rota de manhã: Saída as 5:30h-6:00h e chegada as 10:00h-11:00h (este horário pode ser mudado de acordo com o cliente) Pick-Up's gratis na zona de Santana​,​ Machico​,​ Santa Cruz e Funchal 15€p​/​p fora destes locais
Promenez-vous avec un habitant
In this experience i'm suggesting some of the most beautiful walking trails in Madeira Island. All the tours are scheduled in the less busiest day in each area to provide you a calm and relaxing experiences out of the crowds. The schedule for the week will be the following: Monday: 25 Fountains and Risco levadas and waterfalls - Distance: 11km / Difficulty Level (1-5): 3 Tuesday: Larano coastal & forest trail - Distance: 11km / Difficulty Level (1-5): 4 Wednesday: Caldeirão Verde Levada - Distance: 13km / Difficulty Level (1-5): 2 Thursday: Fanal Ancient Forest - Distance 12km / Difficulty Level (1-5): 3 Friday: Levada do Rei - Distance 10km / Difficulty Level (1-5): 1 Saturday: Ponta São Lourenço - Distance 7km / Difficulty Level (1-5): 2 You can search for these names to have a look at the sceneries before booking. If you're unsure if it's the best trail for you, please contact before booking. Your walking tour program will start with the pick up at your hotel or apartment starting from 8.30am, we'll talk about some relevant information about Madeira during the car trip to the start point, have an unforgettable experience by walking in the most magical places of Madeira, then i'll drop you off again at the hotel. Other thing to note: This is a shared tour with other Airbnb guests
Walk trough a Banana Plantation with a Local
I will guide you through one of the biggest banana plantation in the island. This is a fun experience in my born place, a sub tropical village of Madeira. I grew up playing around and watching my neighbours working in the area. I also worked on my father's plots until I leaved Madeira to get my degree in mainland. Once surrounded by waterfalls and huge banana plants we will explore hidden paths in this kind of "jungle". I will identify the different varieties and explain the techniques of cultivation. I will talk about some producing secrets and its economic importance. On our way we will see people farming and with luck will have the opportunity to have a quick taste of other tropical fruits we will collect directly from the trees.You will also notice typical constructions used by banana´s farmers. Such curiosities represents a folk`s legacy we should share. When we reach the highest point of our cultural tour we will stop, take a look to the view and have a break with banana taste. We will restore energy with nutritious bananas. Come! Pick your camera and let's see how madeirans contribute to the european stock of the most consumed fruit in the world.
Buggy Off-road driving Experience "pick-up included"
Follow the guide along remote dirt tracks to discover the island on a different way, far from the touristic places. Each vehicle seats two people, allowing for double the fun as you cruise around. We will cross landscapes from sea to mountains, passing through our forest that is world heritage - Laurissilva Forest - and making stops to enjoy the stunning landscapes and take photos to later remember, but we can guarantee that it will be unforgettable! Join us @funadventuresmadeira For private groups of up to 4 people there is the opportunity of the Buggy + Quad experience, where you can experience driving two different vehicles in just one trip!
  1. Airbnb
  2. Portugal
  3. Madeira